Enjoy these videos to increase your confidence

Please note: the designs are copyrighted and not to be shared or sold.


Multiple Hooping Video

Multiple Hooping Video

I created this video to show how to become more comfortable with the Multiple Hooping Technique. I used the September BOM as an example, however, any of my multiple hooping designs use the same alignment crosshairs method.  

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Joining Quilted Blocks Technique

Joining Quilted Blocks Technique

Use this great method for assembling the quilted blocks for the designs that include “Quilting in the Hoop” technique. Click on the links below for the Free PDF Downloads for Joining the Art Deco Fan Quilted Blocks Piecing Quilted Blocks Art Deco Fan...

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Applique in the Hoop

Applique in the Hoop

The “Applique in the Hoop” technique is described below. These steps of Placement, Tack Down, TRIM, and Satin (Cover stitch) are the same for each applique design available on this website. While some designs may have many applique elements/pieces and some just have a few applique elements/pieces the overall process is the same.

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